Hot kicks.
For those of you that don't know I'm a huge sneaker and shoe fan. I couldn't even bring all the kicks I had in NY to LA!!
I like all kinds of Nikes, Jordans, Reebok Pumps (which I was wearing on MTV this past summer!), vintage boots, I like it all! except for crocs....duh..or at least I hope you'd say duh too.
Creative Recreation is a really cool sneaker company that I've had my eye on for a while and me and the HS guys recently got to hang at the Creative Recreation offices in LA and we got hooked up!
Here's a couple pairs I picked out, the black ones mean business ... sexy business. The whites are CLEAN! The purple are a crazy pair for a crazy Laker fan like myself. Purple is also part of my old high school AND college colors (NYU). PURPLES!
Love you all,