Monday, March 16, 2009

Mike Jackson

Yes. That is me at 6 years old CRUSHING a full on MJ situation for a Halloween party at my first elementary school, Columbus Elementary in Mt. Vernon, NY.

I moved to Rockland County, NY that summer and attended New City Elementary proudly! Enough backstory'm impressed with the authenticity of the outfit. I'm encouraging all the HS guys to have crazy childhood photos of themselves sent from their families in NY to LA for a section on our myspace I want to call: "HONOR SOCIETY: Chapter One".

Anyway just wanted to share this with you guys to prove when you have a dream, practice and stick with it, it will come true!

Photo courtesy of the lovely Marilyn Bruno



  1. WOW!
    I must admit, that has got to be one of the cutest pictures ever!!

    Show us more pics from your younger years!!

    I'm s happy for you that your dream is coming true, you're awesome!!

  2. niiiiice.

    You should bring that look back. All of you wear MJ outfits at various stages of his career, and cover some songs haha :)

  3. this is awesome!! u totally crushed that outfit. :)) u guys need to create that on your would be soo funny and cool to c u guys when u were little kids..:)

  4. wow...thats awesome!!!!!!!!

  5. That is absolutely fantastic! You totally crushed it!!! Please tell me you have on a silver glove too?!?


  6. That's crazy awesome. I'm definitely dressing up as She-ra this Halloween haha.
    Mike you grew up just as cute =]

  7. oh my gosh! that's so cute! :)
    you were crushing things even at the age of 6!
    and that section on your myspace sounds basically amazing. so be sure to convince the guys to follow through with that!!! :D

  8. i have to say you totally crushed that outfit.
    rockland, ny reppin(:
    link elementary though

  9. White glove and all!! Dude you are too cool!:)

  10. hahaha oh michael.
    you crazy crazy guy.
    umm... if you get the chance, could you guys comment my myspace?? idk. i've been so down lately, but don't feel obligated. it'd just be nice :)

    ps you were adorable, and continue to be adorable.
    i miss youu!!!
    ~kari lee.

  11. beast. i'm slightly mother just dressed me up in pumpkins and 50s girl outfits and sent me out for halloween. blogging is fun! (its kinda sounds lame saying that tho...)

  12. This is too freaking cute. I guess this proves that you've always been a cool person. You are rocking that outfit, I must say, haha.

  13. Haha I went to Columbus Ave in Valhalla. It's weird how close that is haha.

    And that is the coolest outfit.. ever.

  14. thats adorable!
    i love jacko!!

  15. Aww, you were so cute! What happened? ha ha just kidding.

  16. hahah this is love..

    strawtown still pones :p

    -Hiya <3

  17. ha. thats adorable.
    and. ever since your live chat I have been using the word 'crush' non stop.
    my mom is still doesn't understand the meaning.
    she thinks I have a crush on everyone.

  18. awww.
    your MJ getup is slammin :)

  19. That's the best MJ outfit EVER! I love it. I also really hope that you spent that whole day moonwalking all around the schoolyard. ;o)

  20. That is by far the most adorable thing I have ever seen! That is great. you just made my night hahahaha

    Cute Much??


  21. omg you were adorable!!! But idk, I think you might be even cuter now... ;) haha <3

  22. aww michael this is the cutest pic! haha

  23. You were wicked adorable.
    And still are :]

  24. I was going to say you were missing a glove, but now I see you're rocking it in the second picture.

    Way to go, Michael.

    Love ya darlin!

  25. IN CHAPTER ONE....
    Great, now I have Don't Close The Book stuck in my head.
    Thanks Michael.

    Oh, and btw,
    Until I see an urbandictionary entry for 'crush' or 'crushing' or whatever other forms one might use it in, I'm going to regard it as lame.
    Sorry. Bye.

  26. big ups to Marilyn. And looks like Rosie drank some haterade this morning.

  27. i'm pretty sure you need to find a way to bring this look back. the red pleather jacket needs to make a comeback.


  28. hahaha this is adorablee!!

  29. Kat-
    I'm not a hater, I'm just straight up.
    If I were a hater why would I waste my time on Michael's blog?
    It would be much more effective to go bother people on the Jonas Brother's myspace or something like that.

  30. michael, this is classic!!
    great idea for honor society: chapter one!
    cant wait to see it! :)
